Justin was the third student from the classroom who went to The Lincoln's ChalleNGe Academy.  He was a most active young man who had been thrown out of his home school and later was nearly thrown out of our alternative school classroom.  I was not his mentor but I did play a role in his beginnings at LCA and his progress during the program.  I was a regular letter writer and visitor.  This is one of those letters sent to Justin as he completed the pre-ChalleNGe portion of his experience there.

July 28. 2003

Dear Justin,

It’s Monday morning.  You should have gotten a letter a couple days ago.  I know these first few days are the toughest so I’ll write a little more than usual.  I’m pleased you returned to Champaign.  I’m certain you will find your current experience a life-changing event. 

Lincoln’s Challenge is the first step to a new life.  A way of life that is a process…not a destination.  It’s the road to pride, money and “true love”.  It’s the road to happiness and long term success.  It’s a road you always knew was there but you never dared try to “walk it’.  It’s the first step…not the final destination.  It’s a road where friends and good times sometimes yield to personal success, obligations and responsibility. 

Do you think these statements are true?
If fun times become jail times, then we’re on the wrong road.  If our fun damages others, we’ll pay a price later.  If we sit all day, personal pride can’t grow.  If we think only of ourselves, others won’t care about us.  If we have no dreams, no dreams will come true.

There…that’s the end of this letter’s “sales pitch”.  Boring?  I hope not.

Please give your new experience time.  Often, the first reactions we have deal with the loss of a life that was somewhat comfortable but going no where.  Later, the rewards from Lincoln’s challenge will include personal pride, re-birth of dreams and a joy in life that exceeds what you have ever known.  I’m not wrong.  If  I were, I’ve wasted a lot of my time and effort with a few others that preceded you.

I’ll also be quick to add that Lincoln’s Challenge is one way to reach a productive adult life style.  For some (and, I believe you are part of the “some”), it’s the only way such a walk would ever occur.  For others, it’s not the road.  I will not judge you for your choices and would stand by you no matter how this current experience plays out there in Champaign.  I’m just very pleased you have agreed to try it!

Have a nice day (That's a bit of humor in this first two weeks),

 Here's a later look at Justin and a link to another letter.

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