Portions of my letters to cadets  
(Maybe, worth about two cents)

David 02/04
Re: Dreams
Dreams go in steps.  The first dreams lead to bigger dreams.  If we fail to seek the small ones, we won’t advance to bigger ones.  Dreams come from “longings of the heart” and childhood memories.  Sometimes when we get them, we think they are of no value.  But we can’t put worthless ones to rest until we look up close.  I have always found “chasing dreams” one of my greatest life forces that keeps me going.

Make a list of the dreams you seek.  Allow the list to grow.  Keep the list or send it to a friend and check back ten year later.  I’ll bet you will be shocked with the results.  Our minds seek goals even when we aren’t directly working on them!  Dreams do come true with or without our efforts…but the odds increase when we work on achieving them!

David 02/04
Re: Life is not a game
I’m so aware this week that this period of your life is not a game.  It is not a time to play too much…some, but not too much!  You are setting the pace for your life?  What you will possess and the joy you will find in your life time is being plotted by your behavior at this time.  It’s a serious investment. I have a long list of those who didn’t take this time or the “after LCA” time seriously.

Unknown Cadet 08-03
Hope you are doing well.  You are, aren’t you? 
Hope life is treating you well… -or- You’ve working for success so life will become well.
Hope you are seeking new adventures there -or- hopefully it’s not just another humdrum day?
Hope your attitude is positive rather than sad and defeated.  If it’s positive, it’s because you made it that way!
Hope you miss everyone…that means you invested before you left and you’ll invest again where you are!

Accept nothing less than success or you will be packing your bags!  What say?

Wortley 19/03
Re: How can you lose?
Sometimes I feel privileged to even be able to read your thoughts.  I am so impressed!  Your logic, your planning skills, your shared frustration are right on target.
I don’t know how life will “play out for you” but I do know:
1. People who are trying will be satisfied.
2. People who have achieved will achieve more.
3. People who struggle with plans will find a good plan.
4. Some things won’t go exactly right.  Then it’s time to try again or find new directions.
5. There are people who will help…including me.

So I ask you, how can you lose?

Mike (04-03)
Re: When I see success.
I got your letter.  From the beginning to the end I was “dumbfounded”.  I was speechless.  I was shocked.  I was struck with the content.  Why?  Because you were talking like a successful person.  Doing new things, walking new roads, risking…they are all a part of learning about yourself.  See…you took that lesson right away from me!  And, I was looking forward to the lecture series!  Darn…  Will you be embarrassed if I say I continue to be proud of you?

Mike (06-03)
Re: Thoughts at the end
I am really proud of your achievements.  They are yours forever.  It’s just a first step in a successful life style that you have begun.  It wasn’t easy.  It is a great investment.  Others share it with you…especially your mom.  Don’t let anything or anyone rob you of your new pathway in life!

Mike (03-03)
Re: Waste

We all choose.
We all determine the risks we are willing to take.
We all decide if our priorities will extend beyond the moment.

When we don’t seek goals beyond the moment, our potential means nothing.
When we violate the laws of nature or of our community, we will often have to pay.

The prayers of others can not penetrate our will.
God often limits His efforts to those who seek his help or who risk new trails.
Our regrets are of no worth if they do not move us to changing our behavior.
Our injuries may cause tears but tears don’t change lives.

Darren (Unknown date)
Re: What I expect
I have noticed that life seems to come in layers.  Each layer is a period of our lives separated from earlier days and the next unknown door not yet opened.  The only thing we often take with us is our dreams, a few cloths and lots of memories.  Some folks in Pawnee wouldn’t understand since they are able to hold on to life as they known it for many years. 

As, you meet this new challenge in your life…
I do want you to not be defeated by any experience.
I want you to seek success no matter where you are.
I do not want you to be defeated by your own anger, guilt or hurt feelings.
I expect you will look for learning opportunities in any experience.

Julian 09/07
Re: Worthy prizes and life’s stresses.
Today I’m focussed on the thought that each life change we make has it’s own unique rewards, struggles and aggravations.  We never escape life’s battles and we will always experience the rewards for our efforts.  I used to hope that the time would come when I would know only peace…I’m still waiting.  Our struggle to improve our lives is not a struggle to reach freedom from problems.  We just want a few of the benefits that come to those who struggle, who dream, who are willing to risk. 

Those benefits are things like…money, loving our work, a swimming pool in the backyard, a few fun vacations and a good health care plan.  And, there are those who have amazing rewards including those who retired at 40, those who have two homes, those who can pay for their child’s college expenses.  Our limits are set by our capacity to dream and our efforts to achieve those dreams.  So, go ahead and dream…

Mike 04/03
Re: A few thoughts about life.
Life out in the real world is unpredictable…Remember? 
Often when help is needed, it doesn’t appear.
When we have someone who will “pay our way”, it comes at a big price.
When we try to run from life, it follows us.
Friends are often there when they will benefit…(and those folks aren’t friends)

Prolonged sitting causes stress and fear.
We never know how the story will end but we must take another step forward.
We learn later that it’s not the destination.  It’s the walk.
When we seek to succeed, there are always some failures along the way.  So, be ready to fail periodically.
Dreams often find us at most unexpected times.

Mike 06/03
Re: The stress before court
June 9th: Hopefully, Jim’s ending of three adult court cases is soon.  This last court case will determine his future and it may look good.  He will get into the ANG or he’ll get a Felony with non-reportable probation or he’ll get some jail time and a misdemeanor.  It looks like a felony.  He’s ready to end this never-ending stressful schedule…he’s trading the toys out of his car (video screen, woofers, built in X-box) today for his attorney’s fees.  He’s hoping to meet with his attorney today to set a plan for a quick resolution.

Justin 07/03
Re: Forced change
You have great potential.  Your life can be a success and it can be much more than “living for the moment”.  Better stuff won’t happen while you sit still.  Everybody, including you, seek to sit still.  Sometimes we have to be pushed into change.  You were.  Please stay with it.  I promise you, it will be worth it.

Justin 09/03
Re: Responsible lives in the neighborhood
So many young people believe a life style of fun, time with friends, and partying is the greatest thrill of life.  You should know by now there are thrills that far exceed the full-time life pattern you once lived.  If not, you and Lincoln’s Challenge have failed.  You are in the first step of a success pattern of life.  You will have the opportunity to throw it all away the day you graduate and the days that follow.  It’s all in your hands.  It’s all your choice.  Heavy stuff?  I think so!

Have a happy day.  If not happy, have a productive day and accomplish a goal.  If not, follow through with the task you now currently face.  We have enough losers in the neighborhood .  Our nation and our community needs more people who will seek and will work for success.  I pray you will be one of those achieving, striving, reaching people.

Justin 09/03
Re:  Remember the old life?
I know you’re still alive.  You are, aren’t you? 
Staying busy?  Bet so!
Counting the days?  Bet you know the number.
Are you missing a lot?  Yep…a lot of stress, aggravation, anger and adult interference in your nightly plans.  Yep…a lot of non-movement in your life, defeated plans and dreams you can’t see.  Wow…I sure do say it right!

Fall will be arriving in the next couple days.  Cool temps are about to arrive.  Summer will officially end in my mind this week.  Oh yea…a brief Indian summer will appear,,,but, Winter is nearing!  I have the shrubs ready to block the snow on the driveway.  I have the SUV ready to do it’s magic.  I have warm cloths.  I have money for gas.  Life is good!  Bring it on!!!

Justin 10/03
Re: The gray days
You are likely at edge of the “gray period” when people can forget you are there.  It’s a time when doubts can enter and potential problems can test your commitment.  Let nothing sway you from your pathway to success!  In the midst of so much “loss” here at home, you are one of my key people who continues to strive for a higher level of living.  Please stay on track…

It’s about 7am and the sun is trying to rise but the clouds are blocking its shine.  I know the sun is out there…above the clouds.  I just can’t see it right now.   Oh my golly…there’s another lesson for us to learn from!  ((did we smile?)

Justin 10/03
Re: Life at home
So, you ask, what’s really happening here?

1. Our house was broken into five days ago.  A crowbar was used and the steal door was destroyed.  My nephew helped while we replaced the door on Saturday.  Who ever did it, got through the first door only to meet the alarm on the second door.  They had 15 seconds of fun and then the lights began flashing, the siren went off inside and out.  Then, they left.

2. Rob is back at Hardies working full time.  The job change wasn’t a good story but Rob did nothing wrong while working his new job.  He is so disappointed that he didn’t go with you last July.  He needs to use this time well so when January comes, he can make a good choice.

3. Mike Watts had four days before leaving for The Navy when his Recruiter called Friday to tell Mike the enlistment was cancelled due to a couple juvenile charges that were “just found”.  He was/is devastated.  We’re working to get them to reconsider their decision.  

4. Chris lost his three month old job and he just had his car hit by an uninsured motorist.  He’s has lots of unpaid debts and he has a week to move out of his mom’s house if he doesn’t have a job.  It sounds like too much to handle!  What say?

5. Aaron is finding more consolation in numbing chemicals than seeking a job or finding a “drug free” home.  He’s got three more months of survivor’s benefits before the checks stop in December on his 18th birthday.

I think that’s enough news.  I suspect it’s about all you can handle.  It’s about all I can handle.  Now you can understand why I might like to look to Champaign to see some success.

The will to succeed…

Rob 02/04
Re: The dream and the dreamer
It’s a figment of the imagination.  It’s the dream of success in the midst of failure.  It’s the dream of a better world in the midst of selfishness, greed and defeat.  It’s a dream of self-esteem in the midst of oppression.  It’s growth in the midst of anger and hurt.  The will to succeed begins with a dream that you believe in; that you will follow through on; that propels you to success. 

It’s a special inner force.  It’s a force that can emerge even in the midst of a compelled change.  The will to succeed exists even when circumstances force us into action.  It declares it’s existence even in the presence of our errors, our awareness of our weaknesses, in the presence of apparent futility.

The will to succeed begins with a dream.  It maintains itself in the dreamer’s mind.  If you were to look at “reality”, you would scoff at the dreamer’s objectives.  If you didn’t believe in miracles, you would question the sanity of the dreamer.  Even in the midst of the success, the on-looker often misses the connection between the dreamer and the fulfilled dream. 

It’s the dream…a precious, fragile, intangible tool of the successful people.  It’s the dreamer…who believes in the power of the mind, focused purpose and doesn’t accept defeat.  It’s a process that feeds on it self, can not accept anything less than success and lives within what will be.

If you are a dreamer, you find personal strength in the process of change.  You will find yourself lost in the world of maintaining, sustaining, policies and procedures.  It’s in the molding of the clay into the pot.  It’s finding the solution.  It’s making the hope into a reality.  If you have known the joy of a fulfilled dream, you will pay the price for the chance to fulfill another dream…it’s compellingly addictive.

Chris 12/04
Re:  The power of the dream
Christmas is coming and I just got one of my greatest Christmas gifts…your letter that shows you see your life position and objectives.  I read about self-awareness and a plan that can not fail.  Thank you…

We can endure almost anything when we know it’s “the right trail”. 
We can ignore how others see us and the “painfulness” we experience, when we know we are heading in the right direction.
We can’t loose when we see our goal and know “it’s right”.

No life is free of struggles, obstacles or problems.
It’s the struggle and persistence that makes us stronger. 
Not the free gifts, prizes or rewards.

I am proud of you.
I wish it were not such a difficult road for you.
I wish you could know your life potential is so much higher than you even currently see.
But, my greatest wish is now answered... you see what needs to be done and you’re ready to begin again.  That’s a winner.

Chris 09/04
Re: A successful life
I won’t ask if you’re having a nice day. 
I’ll just ask that you get through another day with minimal damage. 
I’ll just ask that you remember you are still God’s child…perfect, complete and equipped for the tasks that face you. 
You can win because you are a winner who now earns any rewards that he gets…and you ask no more than that.

When you live that way, the smallest rewards are received with surprise and pleasure.  The smalllest “extras” are seen as an unexpected gift that is gratefully received.  Your daily tasks receive all your attention…thus a quality trail is left behind.  It’s the road to success that can not fail. It’s hard work but then, actually, any rewards take work and it’s our work that truly gives the reward its value.

Shane 08
Re: We are our greatest enemy
I’ve decided the greatest enemies we face are fear, anger and a lazy-boy chair by the TV.  All are our enemies and all are numbing errors of thought.  Stay committed to the ChalleNGe and you will win!

Chris (prison) 07/04
Re: He nears Prison release
Your wheels are turning. You’re thinking of ideas/ways to make legal money.  That’s an American thought pattern that has lead to the wealth of quite a few people.  I too look at options and sometimes take the steps…as a result, I’ve had a radio show, I got the farm house and I got a couple college degrees.

But, daily survival is essential.  Long-shot ideas occasionally pay off and are worth our time….but, we must also keep an eye on daily survival until the “legal ships begin coming into our port”.  I’m not reacting to your letters.  I am reacting to my inner voice that keeps me on track.  It’s the daily work that keeps us afloat and alive until opportunity knocks.

Orion 08/04
Re: Home sweet home
Think you are missing the “good times” here?  Allow me to “fill you in”.

One former cadet left the Army a week ago for a drinking/fighting problem.
One former cadet left the Navy for emotional issues.
(both got “general discharges)

One cadet is currently in Grahm awaiting placement in the corrections boot camp if he can get in there.  One cadet is on probation for four years and has has not held a job in three years.

One cadet is succeeding and you will be the second!

Chris (Prison)  11/05
Re: Never give up
So, do you think you’re defeated?  You’re not…it’s just a period of time you must survive before other doors open and other opportunities appear.  I know right now a few others look more successful than you…Andrew graduated and is in college. Rob is in Basic Training at Fort Jackson.  Mike Watts has completed the Guard and now works for the Guard.  You’re in jail.  You can recognize that right now, they win.  Keep in mind life goes on for lot years and in that time much can change and much can get better.  Keep in mind that many of our life’s hardships do play role in our life’s work later.  The race is not over and you’re still in the game.  I know one day you will most likely pass most of them up.

Sheighn (prison) 10/05
Re: Hope
I’m sure this current experience is one you have tried to avoid for along time.  Yet, in the same breath, you have done all the things needed to bring it about.  Sounds like a contradiction!   Often, life is full of contradictions and you’re living one.  Often we live contradictions until we make needed changes. 

I have known people in your situation who “later” live productive and successful lives.  One individual I knew spent six years in prison and worked for his college degree while there.  I know you can survive and benefit from your current experience too.  I know it will come with one small step at a time and it will take time.  I’m always quick to remind you that you completed Lincoln’s Challenge Program …so, I know you have the strength to succeed and the vision to see your dream.

Rob (Army) 11/05
Re: Rules for life
The rules for life continue…
1.  We can grow up but we must first disconnect from childhood forces before change can happen 
2. Success can belong to any one who seeks that goal…but the gift is not free.
3. Pride always has a price.
4. Nothing changes when we sit.

You know I wish you all the good thoughts I can muster. 
Stand tall.  Stand strong….

Or, if you have the guts,
click here for another letter.

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