The 'Ol Sage takes on the "What if's"

What if most arsonists, rapists, robbers, drunks, pot heads and suicide victims were frustrated as children. Maybe unloved or maybe experiencing a childhood "breakdown" with no where to turn. "What if!".....the 'Ol Sage asked me. What if poor parenting and lack of community helpers existed.....and, as a result, hurting children grew-up to be defeated adults. And what if we concluded that many of those adults in our society who hurt others had a helplessly painful childhood?

What if that were true? Then do we need more prisons? Probably. We need more prisons to house those we can not trust. But if we don't address the root of the problem, it will just continue to grow until it "breaks our nation's budget". If we don't address the cause of the problem, we'll loose thousands of citizens that could have been productive.

And with those opening statements, the 'Ol Sage stood-up from his lawn chair, stepped to the center of the yard, stretched his arms into the air and yelled..."Wake up're going down the tubes while you build more prisons and hire more police". "You're loosing the battle to win back our nation".

Then he returned to his lawn chair and softly commented...."Now I feel better". We agreed it's frustrating watching Heartland folks closing their doors and hiding their money as their neighbors crumble. It's one of those situations where we win the battle but loose the war. And it's almost invisible...just like the lack of laundry on the Heartland cloths lines, people hide their hurts and problems and try to sit real still while they crumble.

"Some would call you a "bleeding heart" or even maybe a Liberal", I suggested. The 'Ol Sage smiled as he added that even in Abe's day, Abe's opponents had "hot button" words for those folks who talked common sense too. Slavery, although profitable, was in contradiction to a nation that referred to itself as "a land of free men". Just like Abe's situation, we are facing a problem that could distroy our nation. And, just like Abe's situation, we have sat too long ignoring a problem that tears at the roots of our economy and safety. "Call me what you will", added the 'Ol Sage. "but, if we don't solve this social problem, it will distroy our society!". Already, I thought to myself, the damage has touched the lives of lots of folks. Most families will have an example of serious damage randomly done by atleast one "off kilter" relative.

About that time, I scratched my arm again. My action caught the 'Ol sage's attention. "Poison Ivy?", the Sage asked. I shook my head "yes". It's irritating but I'm just hoping it will go always has in the past. If we get some cool days, it'll just dry up. The 'Ol Sage smiled as he gave me that eye-to-eye contact. How long will you let the Poison Ivy spread before you take some action? Well, I added, I do scratch it regularly. The Sage smiled adding that he was talking about treatment, solving the problem.

 "Egg whites....that will solve the problem.", he added. He continued with the process of taking an egg and separate the white from the yellow. Then rub the egg white over the Poison Ivy. I gave him my doubting smile. He sat taller in the chair as he added...."Trust me". "That will solve your Poison Ivy problem!"

The evening ended with a little frustration and a little itching. Before bed time, I did apply egg white on the Ivy. Morning came and to my amazement, the Poison Ivy was gone. I thought to myself....that was easy solving the Poison Ivy problem when I acknowledged there was a problem and I tried the solution.

Guess that's what we need to do with our social problems of crime and self-distruction....acknowledge we have a problem that isn't going to go away and work to find solutions. We can treat the symptoms with prisons, hospitals, police and courts. But, thus far, we aren't effectively addressing the cause. What if the cause is a society that no longer supports and heals hurting children and adults.

Too bad we can't rub egg whites on the hurting spirits and they would be healed by morning. How do we know that wouldn't work....what if?

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