Steer me clear, Lord...

I’ve seen the damage, Lord.
I’ve seen what hate, fear and anger can do.

It cuts deep into my personal will, Lord.
It eats away at my motivation.
It destroys my self-esteem.
It pushes me to the “bottom of the heap”.

Steer me clear, Lord.

I am aware of those negative thoughts that come from within me, Lord.
Thoughts that were often taught by others....
Those who wanted to “break” my will rather than win me over.
Those who sought to master rather than love.
Those who cared only for themselves.
Those folks who learned from their “teachers”
that relationships hurt too much.

Steer me clear of those folks, Lord.

For the children, especially, I pray today....
for the developing, the weak, the vulnerable, the inexperienced

and for those who have gotten “off track”.
I pray that healing will occur for
…decaying families,
…schools who can not “dump” unfit teachers,
…residential institutions that pay minimum wage,
and, law enforcement
that offers a special attraction for emotionally cold folks.

Steer me clear, Lord....of that source of damage that hides within me too.
Keep me growing,
keep me hoping,
keep me believing

…in your goodness and the amazing miracles that await around each corner.
And, keep me from trenches, closets and stubbornness
that immobilize my will.

It is through growth, change and risk that we travel within God’s plan.
It is through sharing and caring that we build His kingdom.
Steer me clear, Lord of those thoughts and people that hinder my growth!

Steer me home, Lord.
