LCA speech #2

I appreciate the opportunity to talk with you again.

As we talked about on my last visit, you have gotten out of your chair at home and walked through the wall of fire (Through the door to the unknown.) and found LCA.  You are here in Champaign and, even now, your investment in your future is great.  Even now, when you look around, most of you will not see your friends or family here in this auditorium.

But you have just begun your new life.
This is not a time for rest or personal praise.
It is not a time TO SIT.

0ne of your teachers has a favorite quote she gives and, forgive me if I steal another thought from another person…
“Oh how we stand at the footsteps of majestic mountains…and settle for mediocrity.”

Mrs. Barkmeier, a teacher I worker with last year, had a repetitive message that drove her students crazy.  She would use her right hand and then her left giving her verbal message… Appropriate/Inappropriate

Maybe I can steal another teacher's message and revise it for my use now…
Majestic Mountains? Or Mediocrity?

Your mission now is to benefit more than the “required” amount.  Your objective now should be to open more new interesting doors; to explore your current and your childhood interests; to find new and challenging experiences.   And, maybe, on occasion, test the limits of the Challenge as you seek your dream.

Majestic Mountains? Or Mediocrity?
LCA gave you the program structure within which you currently live.
It's your responsibility to use it to its maximum.
It is your “test run” for how you will do when you leave LCA.
It's time to walk on your new road.

The story is told of a King who gave coins to two of his “subjects”.  One buried his gift, the other invested his gift and made his gift grow.  The king rewarded the investor and criticized the man who hoarded his gift.  The moral of the story is…our gifts were given to be used, exercised and be seen…not to be held in secret.

Majestic Mountains? Or Mediocrity?

If you seek opportunities but do not seem to find them here, talk with the LCA staff again and again and again.  Be heard….again and again and again.  Think of ways you can explore your dreams, your goals here….and, then talk with anyone again and again and again.

Keep opening new doors; finding new experiences…
Why should you seek your dream?
A dream is a place you want to be
It brings out your best motivational levels effortlessly.
You will like yourself when you are working within your dream.
You will know you are where you should be when you are working within your dream.
Majestic Mountains? Or Mediocrity?

My greatest dreams

1.  The radio Program WTAX/Bruce Bagg
Hymn Time/The touch of the Master’s hand
Fear two days before the program and exhaustion two days after the program

2. College graduation/It took  6 years
I failed after two years and had to leave college and re-applied the next year.

3.    Finding and owning a farm house in a rural area.  At 50       years of age I began and achieved that dream.  Now we have a tractor, a brush hog, a field, fruit trees, a pool and no animals bigger than a cat

4.  When I saw LCA save a life, I was “hooked”.  It was that vision that began my walk here.  Later that same cadet left LCA and fell terribly hard and has never gotten up again.
We’re talking mental instability, child abuse, divorce, and military release.

In spite of the tough times with each of my dreams, I am constantly looking for the next opportunity to “play” within another dream.

Majestic Mountains? Or Mediocrity?

Our dreams rarely rest in what others want for us.
Our dreams never rest in a gift we have not earned.

Some would say  “I dream to be rich.”…but our state lottery will tell you many folks who have won the lottery jackpots and are now “broke” and back to their chair.

Majestic Mountains? Or Mediocrity?

Watch for your dream.  When you find it or when it finds you, it will be scary.  It will capture your mind and a driving force within you will emerge and be uncompromising.

A dream is a powerful, self-satisfying force that a few people find and use…
I personally could not consider any other road.

So, we end with your achievements thus far…
1.  Getting out of the chair, and
1.  Walking through the Wall of Fire.
If you have not begun, please take the next step…
search for “Your dream”;
experience  “The Magic”;
earn the “reward”.
Majestic Mountains? Or Mediocrity?

Searching, finding and making the dream your own.
It's time to practice.
It’s time to begin your new life.
It’s time to test this new road with all your weight.

Or, for some of you, this five and half month experience will be no more than a wait until you can return and resume your old life in the chair.

Thank you…

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