The Ol' Sage reveals my Horoscope.

I didn't have any opportunity to talk.  He started talking before he sat down on my front porch rocker.  He couldn't wait to share his new money-making idea.  He planned on becoming a fortune-teller.  And, he was here to share one of his first priceless psychic predictions.

 "Today is Monday. Your morning will be full of doubt and indecision highlighted with an attack by a neighbor's pitbull. By noon the freezing rain will begin just before the furnace blows a fuse. The electric power will not fail until 2:00pm giving me enough time to get the fuel oil burner going. The tooth ache, thank God, will not become full-blown until late in the afternoon. The dental appointment will be missed but the charges for the missed appointment will still stand because you didn't call to cancel."

The 'Ol Sage paused for a moment waiting for my "Thank you".... but, silence filled the air.  Just like one of those famous folks, he didn't wait long.  If I wasn't going to thank him, we was going to fill the air with more thoughts. 

He added that he planned to sell his predictions to the newspapers to replace the old positive-thinking Horoscopes that currently are published. He figures if people love slander and private-life dirt about political candidates....they should love the same twist-of-fate for themselves.

 Personally, I think he's on a wrong track, but, I did listen.  And, I have made a dental appointment for early afternoon, just incase!

Ready to go home?