The Power of Creation

     He was walking down the trail, kicking up that dust again.  The Old Sage laughed to himself as he recalled his many childhood walks along the Lincoln Trail with Abe.  Lots of talks.  Lots of memories.  Many of those memories forgotten.  But a few, became permanent parts of the Sage's life.  He recalled, one "walk" that would never be forgotten.  The day they talked about creation.

     It began as they walked the trail observing God's wonder.....the tall Oaks, the power of the river, the gentle white fluffy clouds, the magic of the Heartland dirt as it
encompassed a seed, the warm summer breeze.  All things we could, at best, alter....but never create.  These creations could only belong to a force much greater than ourselves.

     The 'Ol Sage was but a child in those days.  He was a "sharp" kid....but still a child as Abe talked with him about becoming apart of creation....of ways to participate in God's
creation process.  Having children was surely one way.  Caring for the gifts given to us was surely another.  But Abe's thoughts this day were focused on a way of life that contributes to God’s creation

     As they passed the Old school house, Abe recalled more powerful ways we can participate in the wonder of creation.  We can carry responsibility in helping family and friends find happiness.  We can help others stay focused on their goals in the midst of frustration or trauma.  We can stay with others as they pass through what might otherwise be defeat.  Sometimes a letter or an uplifting thought can keep others afloat.  But, sometimes, it takes all the emotional strength we have to stay by their side.  And when they regain their strength, we step aside and allow them to move on as they wish.  Sometimes as we participate in God’s plan, it tests our very spirit.  The little sage looked up to Abe's face and saw pain still alive in the tall man's heart.

     The trail was a long one with lots of time to share thoughts.  Abe reached for a daisy growing by the side of the road.  He held it up in the little sage's face commenting..."We can't create one of these!".  But, Abe added, we do have the power of creation.  We can try to create a more honest government.  We can create an "organization of caring" to help those who can not help themselves.  We can try to alter organizations that have veered-away from an honest, helping course.  The magic, Abe commented, isn't always visible at that moment.  Like a growing seed, often our efforts don't show at the time.  Sometimes months or years later, our efforts show most visibly.  And, you must remember, often we are not rewarded by people for our efforts.

     So, you ask, why should we do it?  Abe looked to the little Sage with a puzzled, expectant expression.  The little Sage looked back silently.  By now their walk had taken them up to the stage coach stop where they saw the last person board the coach.  They could hear the horses' whinny as the driver issued his command to begin the trip to New Salem   Abe commented that the horses follow orders and accept their lot-in-life as a comfortable place to be.  Many people do too.  But a few Heartland folks see their existence as more.  They see themselves as responsible participants in a life process that can be better.  They find strength and personal power in the knowledge that they can make the world better through their efforts.

     The little Sage looked at abe again with a puzzled expression on his face.  "But why?"  "They could mind their own business and be happy!"  Abe laughed.  "What is happiness?", Abe asked.   Then he added that their is a happiness that comes to the person who helps others that often far surpasses the happiness of the horse as it pulls the coach.  It is a happiness that one must comes from knowing you made a difference, from knowing your existence changed a life, from knowing you are truly working within God's plan.  If it were not so, there would be no truly great folks who unselfishly serve others.

     "I'm sharing one of my greatest sources of power!", Abe added as he looked squarely into the little Sage's face.  You must try my secret before you pass judgment on me.  You must walk in my shoes, before you can know.  For many Heartland folks, the price is too high.  They will never near my shoes.  They will never know the power and joy that awaits those who choose to walk within creation's path.

     And, with those closing thoughts, the little Sage and Abe arrived at the end of the trail.  They parted ways.  The little Sage walked slowing down the lane to his home.  His head was down, watching the path pass under him.  He seemed thoughtful, a little puzzled yet driven by Abe’s message.  A message the Ol’ Sage shared with me today.  A message I pass on to you.   It must be true....  It's just too good of a message to be anything but honest.  As honest as Abe.

Lets create a way home these words.