Merry Christ mas…It is, isn’t it?

So, what makes it so “merry”?
  Waiting for the gifts?
Eating good Christmas meals?
Believing slightly in magic, dreams and chimney tricks?
Seeing loved ones who treat us nice?

Well, yea…
But, a few folks have a higher level of Christmas spirit.
Maybe you remember it.
Maybe you knew it as a child.

It was more exciting, more loving, more magical than
what most of us have known as adults.

Sometimes when we stand very close to a child,
We see it again and feel it again.
It’s a total focus on the Magic of Christmas with no interference.

Often we sense it again when we give to others unselfishly.
Often we know it again as we give anonymously.
Often we see it again through a child’s eyes.

Surely, Christmas is one of God’s greatest gifts…It is just a preview.
It’s given to those who seek it.
It’s given to a few who walk His walk.
It’s often given to those who are just beginning their lives…
poor dreamers. hopeful strugglers and faithful believers.

May you seek and find that higher level of
The Christmas Spirit.
The fact is…I can’t give it…

So, I’ll just back out of this writing wishing you
A Merry Christmas.
And, I hope you know of what I speak.
And, I hope you know of the worthiness of this most precious gift.
And, I hope you will seek it.

If you do...


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